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Each year the International Society of Organoid Research (ISoOR) recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of organoid research through our Awards program. Our awards celebrate researchers who have made significant contributions to the advancement of organoid technology in both basic and translational research.

ISoOR Best Poster Award (3 awards): recognizes the best poster presentation at the ISoOR annual meeting.

ISoOR Outstanding Young Investigator Award (1 award): honors an early-career researcher who has made significant contributions to organoid research.

ISoOR Innovation Award (1 award): recognizes researchers who have developed innovative approaches or techniques in the field of organoid research.

Selection Process
Selection Process

Award nominations are accepted from ISoOR members and the general research community. The nominations are reviewed by a selection committee composed of members of ISoOR and other experts in the field. The committee evaluates each nominee's contributions to organoid research, including their scientific impact, innovation, and potential for future impact.

Nominate a Researcher
Nominate a Researcher

Do you know someone who has made significant contributions to the field of organoid research? Nominate them for an ISoOR Award!

Contact Us
Contact Us

If you have any questions about the ISoOR Awards program, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist with any inquiries you may have.